This was Adam's second year participating in the Spudman triathlon. The only thing he didn't love about it the first time was that he had to do it alone. So this year he talked his oldest brother Steve and his buddy Jordan into training with him and doing it. He was able to train a little bit better this year because his school load was a little lighter and his job now has way better hours including Saturdays off. I can't wait until he is all done with school and can really enjoy stuff like this even more. Jordan is a pilot and just happens to have a plane, so they decided last minute to just fly to Burley the day before. They had to take out most of the seats on the plane so they could fit their bikes. It would of been a 3 1/2 hour drive but instead it was a 45 minute trip. Once again I missed out, but my sweet parents took care of them. They dropped off their truck at the Burley airport so they could do their thing and get around. They started crazy early in the morning on Saturday July 28th. Steve was in a different age group so he actually started a few minutes after Adam and Jordan. They all did awesome! Steve had the fastest time out of the 3 which I think is pretty impressive for being the oldest. Adam beat his time by 10 minutes from last year. He finished with a time of 2 hours and 40 minutes. My Dad took some pictures of them when they all finished and I loved the one of them standing in front of the Sunrise Nursery sign. I got a good laugh from that. Well done awesome husband of mine!
Great job Adam! I love me a man who loves training for races. Too bad you didn't get to go watch, but cool that they flew there. Why are Idaho people such Utah haters???
I love it when people push themselves to try new things. As long as those "people" are not me ;) JK. Good for Adam for giving this a go again. Way better with buddies.
LOVE the baby shower!
LOVE the photos of your family. I miss your family and I sure like that large group of kids. How fun to be a little Smith cousin.
I can't believe that all of Adam's sisters look soooooooo much alike!! Compare that to me and my sisters. WTH?
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