Friday, September 7, 2012

LovELy coUPLe

This post should wrap up our June.  Adam's cousin Hayes got married to the nicest girl alive.  We just love them together.  Adam would probably say his Aunt Annette and her family are some of his favorite people.  He did the most with these cousins growing up.  We loved getting to join in all the wedding festivities.  I'm a pretty big fan of weddings and Hayes and Calli's was quite magical.  She has great taste and is very creative.  We are super happy to have her as part of our extended family.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Cousins are the best are they not? Love your photography style. I am so burned out on photos. I need to get my second wind. It wure would help if you posted a lot more to inspire me :) Also, love the photos of Adam and Rafe. What a little chunker monker.