Monday, August 27, 2012

fAmILy PiCTUrE pARty

Long time no post. We are still alive and well. We have been having a great Summer and this little man has been keeping us anticipating each new day of it. I thought I had thrown in the towel with blogging, but it's funny how quickly I can change my mind. It does take away some of my precious time with Rafe, but in the long run I think even he will appreciate this here blog. I have a lot to catch up on so brace yourself. In the mean time here are a few family pics we took back at the end of June. We were board one Sunday so we decided to have a picture party. Don't worry when it comes to my own pictures I get a little lazy... and crazy with editing. I didn't want to take the time to edit out the camera remote before posting these. So try to just ignore that.


Annie said...

Great family photos Syd! Yes, keep blogging!!!

Kylee said...

I love the family pics! And I didn't even notice the camera remote. I would LOVE to see more posts from you!

Lee said...

I agree with Kylee! I would be thrilled to see and hear more from you guys! I didn't notice the remote either! Rafe is soooo cute- as are you and Adam. Come and visit us soon! How about Labor Day???

Kimberly said...

love! these pictures are to die for! what a darling little trio your family is!

Jord said...

You are seriously so classy Syd and I love to see you and your cute family!