Monday, June 4, 2012

LitTLe fiSHie

Over the weekend we had our first visit to our pool.  Rafe's bff Lil came along and brought a matching swim tub for him.  She was in heaven while Rafe was unsure about why we were all so happy.  In other words he did not dig the pool.  I plan on taking him until he cries when we get out.


Lee said...

Good plan Syd- it looks like he's having fun just chillin in his tube. He's so adorable!

Jord said...

He is so adorable in that tube. The rodeo looks awesome too and I'm so glad Rafe has a cousin friend his age.

Lindsey said...

Sooooooo, now we know. Rafe has more Griffin blood than Densley. Seriously, truly, he is the!!!

Jessa said...

Oh gee I sure do love that little fish and his girlfriend.

HAYHAY said...

What a handsome little budda boy. He is SOOOO fun to look at. What cute pictures.