The standoff begins...

Oh Mom, what are you doing here? We're playing nice. No worries.

She's gone. Back to business. I will eat your face!

and the crowd goes wild.
Rafe is 3 months old and I must say it's my favorite stage thus far. The first few months involved a lot of crying/screaming due to a bit of the nasty thing called colic. Boo! Not a fan of that. We are all smiles now though... except when in the car. We are still working on that one. Someday I will be able to ride shotgun again. We love this little boy though! He brings so much happiness into our family.
We are currently packing up all of our gear and getting ready to move the first of the month to Orem into a condo. We were going to buy, but since Adam started a new job back in November we have to wait a little longer to get him off contract. Anywho, to say we are excited is an understatement.
We had a great birthday weekend. We spent a lot of the time searching for the perfect place to rent. The rest of the time we spent with all our great friends. Saturday we hit up the Cheesecake Factory for my green birthday and Monday we met up for dinner at CPK to celebrate Adam's. We love having our birthdays so close together by the way. Thanks for all the birthday love from everyone.
That's about all there is to catch you up on the Densley clan. Happy blogging!
This might be the cutest post out there. I love the pictures with your commentary. I'm glad you found a place of your own! Good luck with the moving adventures.
Gosh he is so dang cute! Happy late birthday to you both. I'm glad it was a fun weekend for you guys.
Seriously, truly, Rafe is the cutest baby I've ever seen. He just makes me smile when I look at him. Glad the colic is passing. Soooo glad you're moving to Orem, that will make motherhood even better to have your own place. I don't care how much you love the home owners, they could be your own parents, and even still, living in someone else's house is just plain rough. So happy for the year ahead of you. Hopefully I can love on Rafe sometime soon.
Oh, and I'm glad you both had Happy Birthdays, Cheesecake Factory is my all time favorite. That Luau salad can't be beat!! he is so so adorable!! it's so fun when they get that little personality :) and YAY to your own place! congrats, congrats!
Hurray! A post from you, and most importantly, more pictures of Rafe! He is soooo cute. I'm so happy I got to meet him. I'm so glad you found a place to live! Good luck with the move, and keep the posts coming!
Very clever and cute! Happy days are here at last!
It was great to see the little man up close and personal. I hope the hard days are behind you and that it will be smooth sailing ahead. Thanks for sharing those darling pics.
He is so sweet and those pictures are to die for. Enjoy every minute. Motherhood just gets better and better.
OH MY GOODNESS! Why didn't I know you posted this till now? I've been dying to see picts of little Rafe. I think he is the cutest little guy I've ever seen. I want to hold him! These pictures are just precious, and I was laughing at the commentary.
OHH SYD... I'm so sorry about the colic. Jake had colic, and I was zombie woman for a little while. I'm glad it's getting better. Claire doesn't love her carseat either. Shall we just betrove those two little babies right now?
I adored the post, and I miss you.
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