Adam and I are huge movie buffs.
I'm talking we watch probably 3-4 a week.
Don't judge.
We just love sitting down together at the end of a crazy day, kicking our feet up, and relaxing in each others arms with a good flick on the flat screen in front of us. This does not help us to accomplish our 2011 goal of going to bed earlier. Woops!
Anywho, last night we were entertained by the action/comedy RED. We both thought it was quiet comical. I absolutely loved Victoria's {played be Helen Mirren} white classy party dress. We almost even made it through the whole movie without the "F" word {which I despise of all words.} Just to warn it is at the very end, so be prepared. It's not easy to find a show without that word in it at least twice these days. Sad but true.
Let me know if you have seen this movie and if you liked it as we did.
So agree with the Fbomb. Saw RED and liked it also. That is how we spend our evenings too, minus the holding each other in our arms! Never let that end:)
Dev and I watched RED a couple weeks ago. Loved it!
Interesting! I saw the preview for that movie and thought "Dumb alert!" but then I read your recommendation, plus Netflix thinks I'd give it four stars, so I think I'm going to go ahead and watch it!
I actually saw this movie with Annie, and enjoyed it as well. It was entertaining. Have you guys seen "The lovely bones?" I read the book, then watched the movie, and recommended it to K&B. It's weird/interesting/scary--- but something to talk and think about.
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