I have been a total and complete mess this week.
I have been feeling awesome {health wise} for the last 6 months and them bam! I feel like you know what. Food is my enemy and I have to deal with it three to five times a day. It's beyond frustrating to say the least.
Those with Gluten intolerance and other food allergies I feel your pain.
Through my tears and pulling of hair yesterday I found hope through a beloved picture. I have two things I need to work on to have better all round health.
1. Go to bed early and wake up early.
2. Somehow get more nutrients out of food and find a way to make it delicious once again.
Adam leaves the house at about 7am every morning, which means I only see him around 8-or past 9pm every night. That gives us only a minute for a hug and kiss and then off he goes to work on homework. Hence why we stay up so late. It's time to flip the switch and take as much control of our time as we can again. Every minute is precious to us.
My solution?
Go to bed early {as soon as homework is finished}.
Wake up with Adam at 6:00.
Make an incredibly healthy gluten free breakfast.
Eat together in our breakfast nook where our Breakfast at Tiffany's picture {pic #1} hangs.
This forces me to get to bed early, arise early, eat something other than nasty rice krispies and rice milk, and get to spend a few minute with my love at the start of a new day.
Here is where I need some help. I would love any kind of recipe to try out that does not have flour, corn, dairy, or soy... recipes or websites with many yummy ideas. Please oh please help a girl out and send them our way!
two sites to check out:
foodily.com is the latest recipe sensation. It boasts the most recipes in the world. I put 'gluten free' in the search box and found
Hope you find something exciting.
Sorry you are suffering Syd.
OH Syd! I'm so sorry. I totally wish that I had a fantastic solution, but I know hardly anything at all about gluten-free stuff. I am going to learn more, because of you and because I care about your health!!!
have you read Elizabeth Hasselback's book, The G Free Diet? She sells protein bars now too. I'm just an avid fan of The View since I quit work and she has Celiacs and talks about it a lot. Hope this helps and good luck!
oh, and P.S. I learned to love buckwheat on my mission cuz everyone there ate it and it's gluten free, can be tasty, and super filling and healthy. I get it at a Russian store here in Draper...might be worth a try!
Oh Syd, I don't know how you do it, but funny thing you should mention this because I've thought of a few recipes I've tried lately that I've wanted to send you. When I get some time in the next few days, I'll e mail them to you. Also, check out foodgawker.com. It's my favorite website for recipes, and they have plenty that are gluten free. Love ya and excited to see you guys this weekend. :)
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