Monday, July 12, 2010

heRe cOMeS thE bRidE

{Sneak peak of my cute sister in-laws bridals}

Fact: I was driving down the freeway heading home from work on Friday and I noticed all sorts of awesome boats being pulled behind vehicles. I thought to myself, "Huh, I wonder why there are so many boats out." A few minutes later I realized why. It's Summer... and it's July.

True story indeed.

This last week and a half was insane.
1st - Adam got the flu 4th of July weekend.
2nd - I spent the whole last week at the Hilton in Salt Lake for a prom & bridal market working long hard hours and feeling like crap.
3rd -I ended up with the flu myself.

This weeks big events include...
*Rehearsal dinner
*Jessica's Wedding day
*Lot of picture taking


Green River High School said...

Syd, you are in trouble! Had I known you were down at the Hilton I could have brought you something or at least tried to relieve you for a few minutes. Hope you guys are feeling MUCH better!
miss you.. let's play soon. Ok?

Jacob said...

ah im so sorry you were so sick!!! how did the wedding and bridal and rehearsal dinner go? her pics look amazing!!! how was the crazy work week? im sorry you two are so sick and that we haven't been able to talk at all! i miss you like crazy! love you! tell adam hi and we miss him too!

HAYHAY said...

Poor Sydlin! I hope you guys are feeling better! It sounds like it's been crazy for you guys for the last little bit! I wish I could have seen you while we were in Idaho! I need to catch up with you big time!


How do you do the little tags on top on your photo site?? The ones that say contact, home,,,etc?