Here's the whole clan waiting anxiously.
Three hotties!!!!! (adam's comment) ((minus his sister of course))
Elder Densley making his arrival. Pretty much from the time we could see him he kept his head down and only looked at the ground.
Of course when he got off the escalator he B-lined it to his mom, entire time head down, kinda like an embarrassed little boy. It was so cute.
Dad was next....
First day home, and what does his coolest brother ever do for him? Took him snowboarding of course. This was the first day snowbird opened. Oh did I mention Daniel has been in Fiji for the last two years? Oh and his name is Daniel.
Adam takes the best pictures....
Check this one out. SAAAWWEEETT!!!!
Poor Syd missed out because she was hard at work supporting her delinquent husband.
We're so happy to have him home safe and sound.
Syd and Adam,
I'm not going to lie, I'm a total weenie and I was crying looking at the pictures of your brother returning from his mission. And don't worry I'm at work. Ha ha what a happy time for you guys and the snowboarding was probably the best thing for a fresh elder!!!!!!
I love you guys. Miss you and can't wait for our dinner!
Oh my gosh Syd, we were at the airport the same time as you picking up Aaron. I pretty sure that I saw that sign, but I never saw you! Dang it! We were so close to seeing each other. Shoot!
Hey Syd, this is Heidi and the last comment was mine. I was signed in under Nathan's account on accident. Love ya!
So how do you like your bro-in-law that you've never met? That's great that he's home and you can get to know him.
K&B had a great time w/ you guys this weekend~!
Saweet is an understatement... how fun! And boarding... I'm jealous!
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