We made a trip to Idaho at the beginning of October to attend my Nephew Beau's baptism. It's so crazy that he is 8 years old already. Adam and I had a total of 5 Nieces and Nephews get baptized this year! I wish I had pictures of them all. {Can you tell I have been super bad with taking pictures this year?} Macey is the only one left and she will be baptized the first weekend in December so we will sadly miss out on that one.
While we were there we attend the Oakley Highschool homecoming football game. It was crazy cold that night, but you would never know sitting under our little canopy with a couple big heaters on us. We enjoyed good food, Bay's half time performance, and in the end victory for Oakley.
Day 2 involved the boys shooting up a flat screen TV and going to the worlds largest hay maze. Adam and I attempted that one on our own and we had quite the fun trying to find our way out. It involved some crawling in tight spaces which I wouldn't really recommend for pregnant ladies.
Beau's baptism ended up being on the same night as the Oakley homecoming dance so we had fun getting to see Bay all dressed up for the big night with her cute date. Oh how I loved those days! She looked so freaking cute and I almost cried when her heel broke right before she was getting ready to leave. That dang Buckle! Good thing Marnie has great taste in shoes and could lend her hers.
We had a great weekend and as always loved our time with the fam.
I'm so happy we got to see Cam and Marnie and kids this weekend. It's been too long. Those are some darling kids they have. Wow. I can't believe you are down to counting weeks until the little guy comes! Good luck with everything! I can't wait to hear how it all goes.
What a great trip! I can't believe you have so many 8 year old nieces and nephews and that you have a niece who can date! When did that happen? I hope your last 2 weeks go well and wish you a speedy baby delivery. Can't wait to see pictures of your new little guy.
so fun! love your cute fam. you and adam are my fav.
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