Being pregnant has not exactly been my most favorite thing in the world. It started by me feeling like death. At first I thought, "Oh great. I have mono again." Then after the discovery it turned into 24 hour nausea. I don't know what this morning sickness talk is all about. For me it was more like morning sickness that just got worse as the clock ticked on.
Thankfully, like all bad things, it had to end eventually and around 16-18 weeks a was feeling much more like myself again. Even better Adam survived! We enjoyed telling our loved ones the good news {despite my bad attitude} especially those we told one on one. Most everybody's reactions were good, but I loved both our mothers the best. G-bird started dancing around like Goldie Hawn in the movie Housekeeper, and Vicki said, "I have been trying to wait so patiently with you two," before the tears came. We both laughed at that one. We just celebrated our 3rd year anniversary Monday and we both are happy that we got in 3 years with only each other as selfish as that sounds.
Now on to deciding on a name... which is driving me insane due to the fact that we have a list of girl names that we love and agree on and not one boy name that gets both approvals. Truthfully I just don't even have a boy name that I love. So, yes I will be having a lot of sleepless nights until we figure out this little detail.
I'm starting to feel very big {a bit like an elephant} and I know I will only be getting bigger. So not a fan of this part. I swear I'm already walking with a waddle. I'm in dyer need of Pilates every day or else I swear I wont make it through. I tend to forget that I can't do certain things. Just yesterday Adam came home and I had moved all the furniture around again. He wasn't to happy, but I can't just sit there when I get ideas in my head. I have to act in the moment. A few weeks ago I almost went wakeboarding, but I listened to my husband and just sat in the boat. Probably a smart move. It's hard having to take things a little bit easier than normal.
My blog has defiantly suffered from all of this. Everyday I mean to play catch up on it. I have a bunch pictures of this Summers events, but sadly they just sit on my memory card. I will get caught up soon. Right now I just want to travel while I can and get in as many projects as possible. I don't think I have been to Idaho this much since 2004 when I lived there right after graduating cosmetology school. Not going to lie, I have loved it!
We are so happy for this baby and ask for any and all advice that anyone has to offer. Good books, much needed baby items, cute quilt patterns, brillant names, and so forth. Hope everyone's Summer is a grand one.
Hip Hip Hooray!!! I've been waiting for this blog post. Congratulations!!! Let's get together sometime. I definitely have advice. I remember going through things and thinking "why didn't anyone prepare me for this or mention it?" I have kept a special note of those things. Hey, I know some cute boy names, but want to know where your style falls...traditional, or modern and unique? Hope to see you soon :) Also, I'm crazy in love with the photo on this post
Congrats, Syd! Such great news. You and Adam are sure to be great parents.
Love the photo Syd and the good news! I can't offer any advice on boyworld!
oh syd! you have the cutest little baby bump EVER!!! So excited for you guys! Congrats, congrats! You'll be an amazing mother! ♥
Congrats Sydney! When we were having our first boy we could not decide on a name. We had a list of girl's names we loved but could not decide on a boy name. Two days before he was born we finally narrowed it down to two names. Tate or Eli. Tate won out in the end. We love our two boys. Check out my blog www.jjranch.blogspot.com to see all the fun boys bring. Once again congratulations!!!
Congratulations Sydney! That is great news and I'm glad you're getting a boy first. That picture is adorable and I'm glad you're feeling better.
Syd! Congratulations! You're going to be the cutest mommy ever! :) Glad to see I can be expecting a lil more blogging from you, I always enjoy your posts. Hey, what you guys think about Montgomery for a boy? (Monte for short ;) )... Good luck!
So cute and so excited for you! I'm glad you're feeling better. The nausea is the worst and I wanted to slap everyone who said they loved being pregnant. I knew they had to be lying. And now I miss it! We wish you the best!!
p.s. so stoked for McKynlee's 1 year pics...I have been dreaming about them for months now...you're amazing!
Oh my Syd! The beginning is the hardest but it gets so much better! I agree it's hard watching what you do when your pregnant! After I had the baby I would catch my self still being cautious! My motto it's better to be safe then sorry! Thats so good your doing palates! I did Yoga every morning! It saved me! I just felt better after! Another thing that I always referred to was the book what to expect when your expecting. I'm sure you have herd of it! Now I reffer to what to expect the first year! It's my bible! Love it! Hope your doing good! You pic is so cute but I wanted to see your face! Love ya let me know if you need anything or just need to talk to someone about being nauseated!
I am so excited for you!! Love your picture and can't wait for more to come!
Congratulations Sydney!!! I am so happy for you. I agree that it is nice to have time with just the hubby before the little ones start. It is not selfish at all! I am so glad you are feeling better. The first trimester is the worst so you good things to look forward to. Enjoy every moment because looking back it really doesn't last long. So excited for you!
Oh System I'm so happy for you. I bet your mom is ecstatic! Definitely read the happiest baby on the block or babywise. They saved my life. Good luck with everything!
yahoooooo! cutest parents ever! i say you name him denz. denz densley. perfect. haha. or britt.
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