{picture from Marie Clair cover shoot}
I have been loving my short hair. Over the weekend I went into Shep for a haircut and we decided to go just a little bit shorter this time. I was inspired by the lovely Emma Watson. I think that she made the right move by cutting her hair off. She looks so classy and grown up. She has such a pretty face that can now be seen.
I would love to know everyones opinion on short hair for women. Do you like? Have you tried it out on yourself? I know a lot of men out there that prefer long hair... my husband is not one of them. It's defiantly a subject that has a lot of different views and I find it interesting to hear about them. Maybe it's because I went to cosmetology school and study the subject for a year.
Look forward to hearing from you!
I think short hair is for the young, like you! Short hair on older women makes them look matronly....my never to be humble opinion!
I have been swooning over her new hair cut and wanting to snip my mohawk off and go shorter. The hubs is not a huge fan of super short hair but has loved my hair... a little contradicting if you ask me. But you don't hear me complaining. I want to see pictures of the new hair asap :)
I think short hair only looks good on certain people (like you and Emma Watson) and I think those people have the personality for it too. I don't think I'm one of those people. The shortest I've ever had my hair is to my chin and I did not like it and neither did Brody. I think the husband's opinion plays a big part too. If he was really wanting me to have short hair, I would probably give it a shot. I like to be able to hide behind my hair sometimes. Although I do want to know your opinion on whether short hair makes a person look older or younger, because I've had so many people tell me they thought I was in high school. I know you used to get that a lot, do you still with your short hair? I do want to find a way to make myself look older. Any ideas? Also, is your hair quick to fix everyday? Because it was NOT easy when I had mine cut to my chin.
I love your short hair and I love Shep salon! I totally go in there when I'm up in Utah and all of my in-laws frequently frequent the place.
Love short hair
Love your hair
Love Emma's hair cut
LOVE Emma...period
Love this post
i think it dhows tons of confidence to have short hair...and yours looks amazing! as does emmas. you two look like twins. if i could i would. but we all know i look like miss piggy with short hair.
Thanks for the advice Syd! Maybe I will try cutting short bangs again. That would be much easier than cutting all of it, since I keep them somewhat short anyway. I also tried pulling them back today (my bangs) and I think maybe that helped too. Thats awesome it's so quick to fix each morning. Definitely a plus! Well I miss you lots! Love you!
I love short hair and I especially love to mix it up. I'm not for one or the other, I'm for every length! That why hair grows, isn't it? For variety?? I get tired of one or the other. Right now I have longer than I have for years. It's OK, but I prefer shorter. I think you look fab in short, long or in between. You can carry off whatever look you go for.
Wow- these comments are a mixed bag. I prefer long- and so does Mike- and so do my boys. Just Sunday in church, Jake pointed out two older women w/ boy haircuts and begged me not to do that someday (and he has done this on several other occasions over the years) HOWEVER, I love that haircut of Emma Watsons, and I lOVE yours. I do think it's the face and the size of the person. I think petite persons such as yourself and Emma do it better than tall, larger people like myself. I don't know what i would do it I couldn't put my hair in a pony tail when I work out and get it off my neck- however with it as short as yours, that wouldn't be a concern!
I can't believe that is Emma Watson. I didn't know she cut her hair. It definitely makes her look older. I love it on you, but I don't think I could ever do it. I like my long hair, I want it even longer.. it just won't grow. Brad loves long hair as well.
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