I have a decorating question for anyone interested in giving advice.
Do you think it looks better putting nothing on the wall above a headboard, like so...

Or would you say something above gives it a pinch of magic?

I have spent the last entire week totally rearranging every room in our place. I always seem to get a little ADD in January due to the new year and new goals. In the past I usually would just move to feel ready to take on and perfect life. That probably sounds a little eccentric, but it always helped me to straighten out "life". Obviously that's not in the bag for me anymore so I'm changing everything around me that I have control of... our home being one of them. I'm almost finished.

Just ran into this little problem.
I like having something above the headboard. It draws the eyes to the bed. Well at least, that's what I think. I'm no pro at this type of things. You should post pictures of your finished products.
Girl, I've moved 27 times just to change things up....I MUST have change, I MUST! Re-arranging furniture/repainting walls~~~duh, of course:)
I like nothing above headboard best. However, I have that green chippy shutter above mine, so I am talking out of both sides of my mouth. Bite me!!
love love love the plates above! i want to come see your place! i have been rearranging too!
I think it depends on how tall your headboard is. If it's taller it may look too crowded! But if it's short, it would look good with something extra :) ps. I'm getting my husband a battery for his watch for Vday. So boring. But his watch has been dead for ages. Not that exciting!
Syd, My honest answer would have to be something above the headboard if the wall has to much space between the ceiling and the head board it makes the room look bare and boring.
The bed is the center piece of the room and you want to feel comfortable when entering the room. The first thing I notice walking into a bedroom is the bed and the color of paint on the walls.
Syd, here is an idea,I think you should try out. It involves broke pieces of mirrors on a raised canvas. For example take a 2 feet X 5 feet raise canvas and glue on broke pieces of the mirror on to it. This piece will make the room and you guest will talk about it for days. I hope it works out for you.
Comments given by Tee-Roy
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