Friday, September 3, 2010

HaPPinEss PRojEcT

{Bailey Sue showing who's boss}

Hello again! I took a mini vacation from the blogging world, but I'm back and ready to party. I kinda feel like I have been this steer the last month. A little blaah and to lazy to keep moving forward with somethings. Good news though... I'm trying to step it up and become a stronger person inside and out. My goal is to find people, places, or things that make me super happy and post about them to spread the joy.

P.s. My darling Niece and Nephew have been showing their steers every year at the Burley fair since they both were 7. I'm 25 and I can barely walk by the thing.

The Burley fair makes me giddy.
My oldest Niece makes me grin ear to ear .


Jamie Jo said...

How fun. I wish I could have raised my kids on a farm or in the country. I also wish Rachel would marry a cowboy. Perhaps she needs to go with you the next time you head up that way!

I had emailed you an invite to a family camping trip we're having tonight. I don't suppose you can make it? ;)

Kylee said...

Wow, that would be so fun to watch, especially someone I know. Maybe next summer. She is such a cute girl!

Jacob said...

i love it. she is so big!!!! and looks like such a gorgeous rodeo queen!

HAYHAY said...

I LOVE your idea for a "Happiness project" I look forward to it. Sometimes I feel like that steer also. I'm glad you're back. Your creativity makes me happy.