Thursday, September 23, 2010

the BeST

The other night I spent the whole evening in our rockin blue kitchen.
I felt like being a little homemaker, so away I went with cooking.

After making a some taco soup I attempted, yet again, a different gluten free bread recipe.
(p.s. my bread is rising under the chicken towel on the counter in the pic)

The results are in and....

BEST recipe I have ever found! I finally like bread again.
It was a successful night to say the least.

For all you gluten free people out there email me for the recipe if you are interested.


I thankful for my 4-H years of cooking & sewing.
I prefer baking over cooking.
I love trying new recipes.
Mismatching chairs are my fav.


Jamie Jo said...

Cute house. So, has gluten free changed your life and solved your health problems? Do you still have the headaches?

Jacob said...

ok so, i seriously was getting on your blog to ask you to post pictures of your house! so funny. we are the same person! i love your kitchen! it is gorgeous! and i love the frame wall! it is so similar to ours! it looks darling with the little dress inside one of the frames. tonight was so much fun, sorry we didnt end up going to the movie. i sure love you!

Kylee said...

I love the mismatched chairs as well! Darling kitchen. I'm glad you found a bread recipe you like!

Annie said...

What a cute nest!

HAYHAY said...

I LOVE your blue wall and your mismatched chairs...they rock and so do you.

Kimberly said...

I so love your little blue kitchen!! What a fun place to cook! Jackobi is INSISTING on being Tinkerbell for halloween this year and surprisingly enough a CUTE tinkerbell costume is hard to find .... so we'll do tinkerbell our way ... I'm thinking lime green tutu? We'll see if it's a disaster or not! Wish me luck!

mary erickson said...

Syd. I also found the perfect gluten free bread. It is easy, a mix, Its Bobs Red Mill Potato bread mix. I baked it in the bread machine and it turned out very good. Hope you an find some. Grandma PS Love the cute kitchen