Thursday, November 12, 2009

tHe rEAsOn

My Thoughts...
I have been contemplating the last little while whether or not to abort the blogging life. It's a biTTer swEEt thing for me. Sometimes it brings joy. Other times it bring anxiety {which most things bring me so don't look into that one too much}. I definitely have the curse of getting bored quickly, so I'm always liking to try and create new ways of blogging. Once again I am at that crossroad. What can I do now to keep my interest intact? Well, after giving it much thought I have decided to press forward with Tutus and Bowties. A friend reminded me to blog for myself and no one else. That might sound a little selfish, but if that's what it takes to put my mind at peace with each post and to be able to enjoy it once again, then so be it. Don't sweat it...I LOVE having readers and enjoy without a doubt the bonus of reading everyone's comments and hope they will still come my way. You {family, friends, loved ones, and the occasional person that stumbles along my blog} are a delight to my blogging world. With that all said, and a crooked smile back on my face, I'm excited to inform you all of the purpose for my blog. I love Photography. I love how it makes me feel. I love sharing those photos. I love taking photos. I love using my creative side. I love sharing what I have created. I love giving ideas of what to create. I love my Husband. I love the fun things that we do. I love letting everyone take a peak of our life together. I love road trips. I love adventure. I basically love life. So wrap that all together and you have Tutus and Bowties. ENJOY.


Riley and Jessica Griffin said...

It is soo good to hear from you!!! I miss your cute little self!! We do need to get together! Where are you guys living?? I want to see you! And yes// you SHOULD keep blogging:)

Kylee said...

Oh my gosh I was so scared at first when I thought you were going to say that this was your last post. Seriously your blog is at the top of my list of favs to look at and I especially love looking at your pictures so I'm extra excited that you'll be doing more of that! Also, I just miss you and I love to be able to stay somewhat involved in your life and see what you guys are up to, even though I'm not there. So, THANK YOU for keeping your blog :) I love you!

Nathan and Heidi said...

I am too so glad that you have decided to keep pushing along with your blog. I love it, you are always so creative! I would be so sad if I didn't have a way of keeping up to date with you!

Jessica said...

Yes! Don't you dare quit blogging, your blog is one of my faves! Your creativity totally inspires me, and I always look forward to your online picts...
Hey, I have a question...
Do you live in Utah or Idaho?... (You might not even know who I am, Josh Thompson was in your class in high school, I'm his older sis. I used to dance with your sister-in-law Tina) I live in Virginia, but am planning my Utah wedding in July. Are you interested in being a photographer?

HAYHAY said...

I know what ya mean about getting bored with it every once and a while. Every once and a while I think, "I don't want to use my time doing this, and maybe I don't want to share to much info with people." When that happens I take a couple weeks off until I get the itch again. I really do think it is a good thing. I love staying in touch with people, and keeping my family posted being so far a way.

More importantly it IS for me too. It is a self expression and release. It is great to post something and then see if anyone out there can relate.
I'm glad you are sticking with it, because it is my link to my wakeboarding, crafty, adventurous, shy, creative, kindred, sister. I just love you. You are one of a kind.

If you get bored again, just take a break, don't give it up... for me.. please:)

Hay and J said...

Don't ever do that again Syd! You must keep your blog i love to see what your up to! And i love your fun pics! But I agree with your friend though you should do it for you! It should be fun not stressful! If it is to stressful I understand if you don't want to do it. Luv ya Syd. Lets hangout again!

afoto said...

syd. i love you. your blog. because of all the things it refelcts about you. and adam. and you and adam. we love you guys. dont ever stop!!!

Jacob said...

hahaa syd that was me, britt who wrote that, not jacob. although, he would have said all of that too im sure. maybe just not in the same words. :)

Jord said...

You are great Syd and I am glad you share your life on the blog. You are a totally creative and fun girl and I love hearing about your adventures.