This picture makes me feel so many things. Today I feel thankful for the memories of sitting in Primary as a giddy little girl singing "I Love to See the Temple" from the top of my lungs, and then after thinking to myself how cool it was that my family would be together forever. Funny how some things don't change.
That's a great picture. That song is one of Spencer and Milly's favorite. We sing it every day at nap time. I love that they can see the temple everyday. I didn't have that growing up, and it is so sweet to hear how excited they still get everytime we are outside and they see it.
Syd, your photos are an inspiration to me. The angles and lighting you capture are truly unique and refreshing. Emma loves to belt out I love to see the temple and gets so excited when we do see the temple, and she doesn't even kow the half of how special it truly is. I love love the picture of David and the card playing, classic.
I love that picture, Syd. I have those same memories and couldn't agree with you more. Thanks for that post!
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