DEar AriZona,
We are putting our trust in you to take good care of our awesome cousins whom we adore. Please do not burn them with your intense weather right away...if you could stay below 100 I'm sure they would be grateful for it. Hopefully your people will live up to our expectations (that have been set by our home town Arizonian friend) by welcoming them with open arms. Side note, just to warn you they are not coming alone. A wonderful dog name Salomon will be right at there side. All of the above applies for him too. Last of all, it would really make them happy if you could use some of your magic and snow just once come this winter. I will spread a good word for you if you make it happen!
Thanks from Utah,
P.S. When we come for a visit we would like to leave with a good lookin tan. You're the best!
Syd that was so dang cute! We miss you guys already. Thank you SO much for coming up to Logan for the weekend before we left, it really meant a lot and we had a ton of fun with you guys. Well, we're here and were dying of heat! Except I think your message might have worked because EVERYONE here says it's cooler than normal-- but that's still VERY hot for us. As long as that wish for snow in the winter comes true, we'll be set. And definitely come see us, but maybe wait till it cools down. You're the best. LOVE YOU!
Sweet tribute Syd! I loved it- and that awesome pict! What in the world is Brody stuffing into his mouth? Funny. I hope your postcard to AZ comes true!
That's a cute post Syd. I remember going sledding in the winter about 2 hours from Mesa, but I don't remember it even coming even close to snow in the valley. I do miss my Arizona tan.
az people will back me up and treat them well! as for the snow... it could happen, you may just have to wait for 10 years to see some flurries and watch as they melt upon landing.
Very well written! I could NEVER move back to the heat. I melt in anything over 75! Hope they don't suffocate!
Jord and Jake are happy to welcome them to AZ! The weather will take some getting use to, but their winters are the best. Good luck to the newly arrived Arizonans. I'll be down in a couple of weeks for a visit!
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