Monday, February 2, 2009

monday ThOUghts

Today I miss the farm. There is nothing like the peace and serenity that comes from living in the country. Every time I take a visit to my hometown I can't help but be content with life.


Kameron said...

I think farms are similar to the feeling you get when you're sitting by the river and it's calm and glassy out there. All is right in those moments:) I love you Syd!

HAYHAY said...

That was me:)

Kylee said...

That's a pretty picture. I think living on a farm would be cool, but I also think I would get very scared if I was ever alone... there's no one around to save you!

Brad & Emily said...

Oh, how I agree with you, Syd. I like living in Vegas, but I miss the smells of the farm. The other day in the grocery store, I picked up a bag of potatoes, and the bag was filled with potato dirt. I felt like I was back in Rupert. It felt good.

Green River High School said...

Ohhhh!!! Good ole Rupert! I miss it too.

Vonnie said...

I miss it too sometimes. The sounds, the smells, the scenery. I'm sad my kids won't ever get to experience it.