tears. hot shower. visit the Doc. more tears. $2 DI tee for being good at the visit. jambia juice. good earth market for pills. pamperd by lover. movie in bed. nap.
Syd- You're sick!? Oh no no no. I'm sorry. Just so you are aware, I WILL drive down there and give you a bowl of chicken noodle soup. You know the digits. Just let me know if you need anything. Ok, now rest! Feel Better Soon.
i love being rewarded for good behavior with $2 tee-shirts from the DI. love you. hope you're feeling better.
Syd- You're sick!? Oh no no no. I'm sorry. Just so you are aware, I WILL drive down there and give you a bowl of chicken noodle soup. You know the digits. Just let me know if you need anything. Ok, now rest! Feel Better Soon.
kudos to adam for pampering you!
Jamba Juice would help anything. That sounds really good to me right now. I might need to leave my kids and head over to mine.
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