Sunday, October 12, 2008

Conference weekend with the cousins.

Conference weekend we went up to Ann and Traces place. Ann gave us some cute ideas on decorating pumpkins.

Me and Ky hard at work.
We had a great time playing games, eating good food, and enjoying some of the greatest company a person could ask for.


Annie said...

Way to kick it up with decorating the pumpkins. Yours turned out magical indeed. We loved your visit.

Kylee said...

I love what you added to your pumpkins! They look so good. I had so much fun! Lets do it again soon.

Lee said...

What a fun weekend. I'm so sad we missed seeing you Sunday. I should have called earlier.

Jamie Jo said...

Should you come decorate my pumpkins?
Hey, I need all your siblings e-mails. Will you e-mail them to me?

Stacey said...

Cute pumpkings are like a great pair of one year, but ready for something different the next year. I say that because one year I went all out with the coolest pumpkin display. Todd drilled TONS of holes in the pumpkins, then you poke the white Christmas lights through each little drill hole and plug them in at night. They looked pretty magical, but I haven't done it again since! Did my mom tell you I worked for some Densley's up here? Any relation? Dix Densley. He had three brothers named Kip, and Biff! Did his mom dislike boys?? Sad. Yes, a visit any times would be great. We'd even clear out a room just for the two you you. The Romney's came once and had a grand time. We're good hosts since on one comes this way :<

HAYHAY said...

Sweet pumpkins!! Don't you just LOVE Halloween?
SYD... I'm driving myself crazy trying to find your address. I lost it in the move. I have a letter waiting for you on the table. Will you email me (or call) your address? My email is

I Love you to death, and I miss you like crazy.


Lindsey said...

I LOVE how different all of our pumpkins turned out, especially since they all started out the same. We should do that weekend again but in Christmas time, and I have the PERFECT activity. I have everything to make those magical necklaces from Dear Lizzie, the one you have with the S on it. Obviously ours wouldn't be quite as neat, but it would make for a great Christmas gift. Let me know if you're interested!

Green River High School said...

Syd- I just had to mention that I noticed the Hat... you know, the HALLOWEEN HAT! I don't know if it's the same one as we had at our place, but I sure do remember that cool little thing!

marc and becky said...

SYD!!! How in the heck are you!???!!? oh my its been a long time since we've talked! our blog is it out cuz hopefully soon we will have pictures of the baby:) and i totally know Kylee in your pictures- we were in classes together at USU. crazy world!!! love you girl