Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We Stopped at the Salt Flats on our way to San Francisco.

This is the Wedding Chapel in Reno, we felt it appropriate that we stopped and took a picture.

Full House Rocks!!!

We ate at a great restaurant at Fishermans Wharf. It was very delightful, other than the smell of fish guts that made Syd gag.

We rode on the biggest rides they had. We take every opportunity to act the age we look.
We just had to get a picture with Sylvester.
We had to visit the Oakland Temple. It was so beautiful. They begged us to be the witness couple, it was Syd's second time ever doing a session. So it was fun.


Kylee said...

Syd I'm so sad you didn't tell me you have a blog!! I found in on Von's... hope you don't mind, maybe you didn't tell me for a reason.... :) I really hope to see you guys next week, I want to hear more details about your married life! I LOVE your pictures.
p.s. our blog is

Lindsey said...

Sister! I'm so happy you have a blog. That salt flats picture is perhaps my favorite. Who took it? The angle is awesome. I love all the Dezember pictures as well. Plus, you're a very funny girl, it shows in the few words you express on your blog. I'm very much looking forward to next weekend. Oh, and Full House does rock!

Green River High School said...

YAY! We found you guys!!!! Oh how we think about you often and hope you guys are still grinning as big as you were July 25th! Let's hang out soon! Love you!!!

Lee said...

I too stumbled across your blog from Jamies. . . are you trying to tell us all something? Like leave us alone? Well too bad if so, cause we're not gonna! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the picts. You guys are too cute together. Glad to get a little update on your lives. Also, I've noticed other family members have gotten comments from you, but depressingly, I'm not one of them. I'll try to get over it. . .

Lee said...

That was you who commented on my list blog??? I didn't think so cause your other comments were under syd & adam! And also, who knew you were a good exercise girl! Good job. Thanks for being so on the ball with commenting earlier than I gave you credit for!

Nathan and Heidi said...

Yea! I am so glad you have a blog now! It is so cute. I love all your picts. This will be a great way to stay in touch with each other. I miss ya and wish we could hang out sometime.

HAYHAY said...

Yee haw!!
This is the first time I've seen your blog. I'm so excited!! Now I can keep up with you guys. You too are a sexy couple! Keep me posted. Your honey moon looked like fun!


I finally have your check in the mail Sydlin!

Jord said...

Cute blog Syd! What were you doing in SF? I seriously love that town, so many things to do and so romantic. I loved your wedding pictures and am again so sad that we missed such a fun event.